Electric Capital’s Approach to Investing in Crypto and Blockchain

Electric Capital is a small investment team managing a large amount of assets, with a focus on investing in early-stage companies. The team is unique in that everyone on the investment team has either started their own company or has been an early operator within the industry. According to Maria Shen, a partner at Electric Capital, this entrepreneurial mindset is part of the company’s DNA. The team invests in companies that they believe have the potential to become the financial rails of the future, with a view towards crypto and blockchain being applicable to a wide range of use cases.

Investing Early and Getting Hands-on

The investment team at Electric Capital prefers to be the first to invest in companies and often helps founders by being very hands-on. They get involved at the infrastructure level with the projects they invest in and leverage their engineering background to help projects achieve success. According to Shen, they will act as sounding boards to discuss with the community and help where necessary, but ultimately, the success of a project is up to the community.

Investing in Different Layer Ones

Electric Capital invests in different layer ones, and sometimes these layer ones have the same value proposition. Shen believes there is a bet that crypto will be successful and crypto will be the future of the financial system, which is why she thinks there are a role and competition for more chains. Various chains can coexist, depending on their focus and the market they target. Shen points out that Crypto will be one of the biggest things we’ve seen since the internet and believes that there is a role for more chains to play.

Empowering Users to Create their Own DAOs

Electric Capital invests in projects that empower users, such as enabling them to create their own decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). DAOs give internet communities the ability to invest, which is a more inclusive approach that appeals to a wide range of niche communities that we’ve seen crop up in the internet age. Shen believes that in the future, DAOs and VCs may be competitive or work together, but the future is yet to be seen.


Electric Capital’s investment approach is unique in that they invest early and get involved with a project’s infrastructure, leveraging their engineering background to help companies be successful. The investment team is small, but everyone on the team has a background in entrepreneurship, which is part of their DNA. They invest in projects that they believe will be the future financial rails, using crypto and blockchain in various use cases. Electric Capital invests in different layer ones, and Shen believes in a decentralized future where multiple actors will play a role. The team also invests in projects that empower users by enabling them to create their own DAOs, which gives them the ability to invest and be more inclusive. While the future of crypto and blockchain is yet to be seen, Electric Capital has taken unique steps to position themselves for success.

Source : Journal du Coin | Date : 2021-09-27 12:30:04 | Durée : 00:13:25

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