ZK Land Money Market: A High-Level Overview
ZK Land Money Market is a money market protocol built on the StarkNet layer two platform. It has two products: Artemis for retail users and Apollo for institutional users to solve capital efficiency and gradual institution onboarding issues for cryptocurrency lending. The protocol leverages the cost and speed of layer two to enhance transaction limitations and break down risk components. Institutional users undergo a two-step onboarding process, including kyc.

Protocol Stacks Exploited by ZK Land MM
ZK Land Money Market is currently not using multi-core for better user experience as it is not applicable for lending protocol, but it plans to integrate social recovery aspects to make it less intimidating for users from traditional finance. Other protocol stacks, such as those used by Origin, are being incorporated to streamline the onboarding process.

Getting Involved with ZK Land MM
ZK Land MM’s test net is currently live and open to limited participants. The main net will be launched in September or early October for Artemis and three to six months later for Apollo. The company is currently recruiting, and interested individuals can get involved by joining the Discord community and providing feedback.

ZK Land Money Market is a promising protocol that aims to solve capital efficiency and gradual institution onboarding issues. Leveraging the cost and speed of the layer two platform and incorporating other useful protocol stacks, such as social recovery aspects, will make it user-friendly and less intimidating for traditional finance users. People can get involved with the project by joining the Discord community and providing feedback.

Source : Journal du Coin | Date : 2022-07-28 19:09:11 | Durée : 00:07:35

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