Edwige Chevrillon, journalist at BFM Business, interviews Hubert Védrine, former French Minister of Foreign Affairs and Secretary General of the Elysée, on the impact of geopolitics on business strategies. Védrine believes that geopolitical events, such as the war in Ukraine, have significant consequences on companies’ decisions and strategies. However, he also acknowledges the challenging political climate in France, with recent protests such as the “yellow vests” movement. Védrine highlights the need for France to address its economic decline and industrial competitiveness, especially in the face of global competition. He emphasizes the importance of decision-making in Europe, urging for a sense of urgency to counteract the swift actions of other nations such as the United States. Védrine acknowledges the current destabilizing international environment, with key elections in countries such as Pakistan, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, and the United States, as well as China’s growing influence. He argues that business leaders have a better understanding of these complexities and are more realistic in their approach. Védrine also discusses the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, stating that the war will ultimately end either with a clear victory for one side or through negotiation. He expresses his support for Ukraine and the need to prevent Russia from achieving its objectives in the region.
Source : BFM Crypto | Date : 2023-05-10 22:52:45 | Durée : 00:25:46
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la bonne question est : les français peuvent ils renouer avec machin ? ……. allez voir leur demander !!!

Plutôt crever de de jeter un œil à cet olibrius

Que tentez vous de renouer? Vous avez assassinez les nôtre lors de l'escroquerie covid via rivotril et arnm, vous nous volez, tabassez, armez des nazis et vous faites passer pour des saints, que voulez vous renouer? Vous croyez qu'on va renouer quoi que se soit avec des pourritures de votre espèce? Mais sans la police, les gradés et magistrats complètement TOUS CORROMPUS vous seriez tous en prison pour crime contre l'umanité et très haute trahison, pas à vous inventer une noblesse que vous n'aurez jamais bande de conards.
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