Anoma, co-founded by Adrian Brink, is a system that aims to provide privacy-preserving self-contained and self-sovereign coordination. The system allows people worldwide to discover and settle with counterparties in a transparent or private manner. Unlike traditional dApps, Anoma combines coordination, counterparty discovery, and settlement in a unified architecture. It offers a different programming model for developers with built-in counterparty discovery and the ability to share intent information. The system also allows for front-running protection and offers privacy through deployed circuits or privacy-preserving circuits called Tiger. Anoma is not a monolithic blockchain and focuses on solving coordination issues through a unique approach. The first network in the Anoma stack, called Namara, is set to be launched soon.

Source : Journal du Coin | Date : 2022-05-30 16:09:20 | Durée : 00:40:06

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