Harsh Rajat, founder of EPNS, was recently interviewed about his background and the creation of his company. Rajat’s journey began in 2010 as an entrepreneur in the mobile app and game development industry. One of his successful ventures led him to an understanding of push notifications, which he later used to develop EPNS. During his exploratory phase in 2015-2016, Rajat delved into designing SAS AI machine learning before investing in Bitcoin in 2015. This investment piqued his interest in Ethereum and its smart contract capabilities, which led him to join a Fintech firm that focused on P2P and metadata transactions. Rajat realized that communication was lacking in the DeFi industry and decided to create a solution. EPNS is Ethereum’s push notification service that enables decentralized entrepreneurs and users to communicate efficiently. The company’s multi-chain road map necessitates a rebranding, but Rajat and his team are tight-lipped about the details. However, they did describe EPNS as a new Web3 communication primitive that will allow users to receive notifications about governance, loan liquidations, and other events in the crypto industry.

Source : Journal du Coin | Date : 2022-02-05 10:26:06 | Durée : 00:44:22

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