Banon Street SBF to potentially acquire FTX
In a surprise announcement, CEO of Banon Street SBF, Sam Bankman-Fried, revealed that they are in talks to acquire rival exchange FTX. It is currently unclear if the deal will go through, but if it does, it would create a major consolidation in the crypto exchange market.
Potential intentionality of FTX’s value decline
There are questions around whether the intentional act of FTX CEO, Sam Bankman-Fried, caused the decline in FTX’s value to create an opportunity for Banon Street SBF to acquire the exchange. Either way, the decline in value has caused difficulties for FTX users and potentially impacted the wider crypto market.
Uncertainty around potential acquisition
The potential acquisition raises concerns around centralization in the crypto market and whether authorities will approve the deal. Additionally, it is unclear if the acquisition will lead to the reopening of withdrawals and the return of users’ funds. The situation remains highly complex and uncertain.
Binance’s response to potential acquisition
Binance CEO, Changpeng Zhao, has responded to the potential acquisition with a note of caution for users to not trade or interfere with FTX during this time. He also recognizes the potential negative impact on the wider crypto ecosystem should the value of FTX continue to decline.
Source : BFM Crypto | Date : 2022-11-09 17:00:04 | Durée : 00:04:00
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BTC has been fluctuating lately and this is really the time we need to find out from professional brokers what our next destiny will be.
,C'est navrant de voir mes investissements s'effondrer ces dernières semaines ! L'instabilité économique et l'inflation ont presque anéanti mon portefeuille; Je ne peux plus le supporter. J'ai besoin d'une nouvelle façon de tirer plus de profit de ce marché de la cryptographie!!
Demandez à hasheur de faire l'expertise.
Racheter binance.. petite gueguerre… Cz masterclass. Un imposteur en moins. Vous n'y connaissez rien vous savez pas de quoi vous parlez
"Racheter binance" ? Dude…
L'agence américaine chargée de la régulation des bourses (CFDT) va mettre le nez dans le dossier d’acquisition de #FTX par #Binance
Et si #Binance change d’avis et ne rachète pas #FTX ? 🔥
Merci pour la réponse de l’invité qui dit « On ne sait pas »
LOL, y a pas un petit problème de gestion quand même là? C'est hallucinant!